Monday, April 03, 2006

Why I'm Writing

Last night during dinner at my friend Ben Greenberg's wedding, I had a thought - not such a rare occurence in itself, but this was something I felt I needed to share with the world, or at least the Frum world.

I believe very firmly that the more self-awareness we can have, as both individuals and as a community, the better off we will be. I think it's time that we have an open, honest discussion about what I (at said wedding dinner, which was very nice btw) described as Lemming Judaism. Granted, there is a strong yesh omrim that these little animals don't actually follow each other to their demise by walking off cliffs (see But I think there is still what to be said for the notion that we in the frum community may be doing so to one extent or another.

Before I move along with some specific examples, I'd like to give a few definitions:

Frum Judaism - Let's go with something simple and less controversial. Simply put, frum means you're part of the frum community. Generally observant of Jewish law, men wear a kippah/yarmulke/skullcap (that one always rubbed me the wrong way) or Yankees cap, and self-defining as an Orthodox Jew.

Lemming - Someone who does what others do, due to the assumption that if others are doing something, it must be the right thing to do.

And therein lies the problem. Many Jews, in their effort to effectively self-identify with the frum community, will do whatever it is that those whom are perceived to be frum do, since that is seen as the way to maintain one's membership in the frum community. In other words, if the people whom I want to be like are doing something, then it: a) must be the right thing to do, and b) must be the right thing for ME to do.

I plan to post the examples of Lemming-Jewish practices over the next few days. In the meantime, feel free to respond with your own, or at least think about what I am saying, the rammifications of these words, and what it is you think should be done - or not done - about this phenomenon.


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